Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cordles and Harris' Come to Visit Us

The Cordles and Harris' came to visit us over Memorial Day weekend. We had so much fun. It was great having all of us here at once....all 14 of us. Some of us slept outside, and some inside. I think the kids all had fun swimming, playing at the park, eating lots of yummy meals together, and just hanging out. We were so glad they all came and miss them already.

Filling the pool.....the water was freezing, but they all still got in.

Kenzie and Sophia playing cards.

The girls got away for few hours, so we went to the Happy Viking. We shared a crazy dessert called the suicide sundae. YUM!

One of our many meals....look at all those kids.

Guys grillin'
More swimming.

Playdough fun time

Baseball game at the park. The weather was perfect.

Guys playing some H-O-R-S-E.

Fun on the swings


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