Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dylan's First Swim Lessons

Dylan took swim lessons for the first time at his daycare. They were for two weeks from June 21 to July 1, 2010. His teacher's name is Miss Stephanie. The class is more about what to do if he fell into water accidently. So she teaches them about making their body safe by flipping over on their backs. And if they are close to an edge to hold onto the edge.

He cried the whole time the first day. It was hard to watch.

He wasn't too sure about being on his back. But by the third day, he was all for it. He ended up loving and I'm glad he got to do it. Shannon (our daycare lady) is awesome. We just love her. And Miss Stephanie (the swim teacher) was wonderful with Dylan. She calls him handsome Dylan man.

This video was from the first day of lessons. He cried through the whole first lesson.

Here is Dylan jumping in the water from the edge. So Cute!

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