Monday, July 19, 2010

Cabin Time

We went to the cabin with the Smiths and Max for the first time. We had a great time. Dylan wanted to hold the doggie on the way there. Max doesn't look too sure.

Dylan loves to play in the dirt.

The cabin is hidden up in the trees. It's such a pretty location. We feel very lucky that Chris' grandma lets the family use it.

They have a great lake that the kids love to play at. The girls were still with their Dad and Alex was with his Dad, so we just had the little kids.

Ryan and Owen playing in the water. Owen wasn't too sure about the water at first, but on the last day he got in. And Payton is behind them playing with two other girls she made friends with. She walked up to the girls and said, "Hi, my name is Payton Smith. Can I play with you?" I thought it was so cute.

The boys having fun in the sun

They have two floating docks in the middle of the lake. They are nice for sun bathing. Ryan, Payton, Me, Dylan and Chris. Crystal and Owen were on the shore taking this picture.

I swam out to the dock with Dylan on my back with his life jacket on, of course. I thought he would do the death grip on my neck the whole way out there, but he was actually very comfortable. Swim lessons did a lot for him this summer.


kc said...

Looks like a real fun time.

The Smith Family said...

We had such a fun time with you guys! Thanks for having us come! :)