Saturday, July 3, 2010

Addison's 8th Grade Graduation

Addison is growing up way too fast. June 2, 2010, she graduated from 8th grade and is headed to high school next month. Crazy! I know she's excited and ready for high school, and the thought of it just freaks me out. I guess that's because I still think of her as my little girl.

Here she is with her friends Heather and Alexis. They got ready at Heather's house for the last dance of 8th grade.

Graduation Night. The weather was perfect. It was a little cloudy, which was great because the sun would have been in our eyes the whole night. And it made it cooler. Grandma and pa Coverstone with the grandkids.

Addison, Victoria, Emily, Lacey. Pretty girls.

Addison and Victoria walking down the aisle together.

Addison and Victoria

The Stage.

After the graduation.


The official certificate

We came back to the house for cake. We are very proud of her. Congradulations Addison Taylor!

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