Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy 4th of July

I'm just a little behind on my blogging. We had a fun 4th of July. We went to our neighborhood block party. One of our neighbors, who will remain nameless, is a truck driver and they acquired some fireworks that you can't buy in Cali. They were fun to watch.

The girls were in Oregon this year at their Dad's house, so it was just the three of us. The Smith's were going to join us, but Pay and O are NOT fans of fireworks.

We set up our chairs in the driveways of two houses that are across from each other about five houses down from our house.

The CHP showed up (we had his family over for dinner a couple weeks later) but luckily we knew him.

Dylan was most impressed by the HOT fireworks both on the street and in the air. He would say "HOT" everytime they lit one.

And the fire department showed up too. Luckily they were very nice. We fed them brownies and some other yummy food and they left.

Here are some of the cupcake we brought to share.

We had a great time meeting some of the neighbors we didn't know yet, and visiting with the ones we already knew. It's great to be an American.

1 comment:

kc said...

Cute cupcakes! The fireworks look neat--it's always good to know "people" in high places.