Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Santa brought the kids gifts, so I guess they were all on the nice list.

I don't think Sophia has put her new American Girl doll down since she got it.

I don't thing Addy was awake yet, but still liked her slippers and gift card.

Dylan LOVES his kitchen set.

Sophia has been asking for an Easy-Bake oven for awhile now, and she finally got one. She can feed that sweet-tooth of hers.

Then we went to Chris' Uncle Richard's for Christmas Dinner. Pam and Bob made a very yummy feast for us all.

Four generation picture with the Alves side of the family.

Grandma & pa Burks with D. It was a great few days. I'm sad it's over and I can't believe it's almost 2011!

1 comment:

matt and christy said...

Yeah!, so glad Dylan likes his "man"
kitchen! looks like Santa was good to all of you! merry Christmas and happy new year!