Saturday, December 4, 2010

Addison's Braces come off. Woo-Hoo!

Addison got her braces off 11-29-10. She had them on for 18 months. Can you see the excitement on her face?

Dr. Almond is a very kind orthodontist. He was always very gental.

Waiting for Dr. Almond to come in and take them off.

Sitting up from the chair. They are OFF! Yeah!

After picture

Look at that beautiful straight smile on that beautiful girl.


kc said...

Addy, you are a beautiful girl, inside and outside and now you have beautiful teeth. Congratulations, especially getting them off early. Looking forward to seeing your bright smiling face at Christmas.

amy said...

She is very beautiful!! and that smile/teeth is to die for!! I had Dr. Almond when I had braces.... :)

The Smith Family said...

Love all the new posts Kel!