Monday, February 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

We celebrated Christmas a few days early with the Burks side of the family before we left for Oregon. The girls were already there and Dylan and I joined them on Christmas Eve.

Dylan loved opening his gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.

Maggie liked her jacket we got her.

And Dylan loved his jacket and plane from G. and G. Burks

Dylan and I got to Oregon on Christmas Eve and all the grandchildren got to spend it with Grandma and Grandpa Coverstone. I was sad Chris had to stay home and work and we missed him a lot. But I was thankful I was able to spend Christmas with the rest of my family.

Kids getting ready to open their PJ's

Boys in their Christmas jammies.

Hugh Hefner....ooops, that's Dad in his new robe.

Addy helping Dylan open his Helicopter from G. and G. Coverstone

Grandma and Soph

We always give the kids new PJ's for Christmas Eve. Addy has Christmas tree pants and Sophia has Peppermint Candy pants, but you can't see them in this picture.

Christmas morning at Mom's. The girls spent their's with their Dad.

Christmas dinner with everyone. Thanks for hosting Mom. It was really yummy.


kc said...

Thank you for having Christmas with us!! We loved it!

kc said...

I forgot to mention that I do love Maggie's new red coat with the blue hoodie.