Monday, February 1, 2010

Fun in Oregon

After Christmas we went to the snow. We went sledding at the snow park with the Cordles. It was great they could join us.

Beautiful snow angels.

Cute sledder

Me and Soph in the car on the long ride home. We got stuck in a snow storm on the way home. Dad did a great job driving home. Are those rabbit ears?

Addison actually hiked up the hill, while the rest of us got towed up the hill. She got a lot of rest on the way home.

We got to visit with our Oregon friends, which I always love. Here's Bumblebee.....I mean Carter.

Kenzie, Carter and Dylan. The kids play so nice together.

I miss everyone already.

1 comment:

kc said...

It was so fun when you were here. Thanks sooo much for coming!