Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy 9th Birthday Sophia!

Sophia Marie is all grown up. She just had her 9th birthday.

She got to have 3 parties. She went to the movie theather with some friends and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks, the Squeakquel.

Sophia, Miko and Meagan

Then we came back to our house for Baskin Robbins ice cream cake and presents

Peppermint ice cream and vanilla cake. Yummmmmm

On her actual birth-day, we went bowling with some friends. Sophia and Miko wrapped up waiting to see what the ball will do.

Addison and Dylan hanging out.

Dylan liked the air blowing thing. Look at that hair blow
Then for her third party, we had Crystal and Ryan's family over for dinner.

Shirts and Claires card from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Crystal

Chris got Sophia UGGs. She really wanted some for Christmas, and didn't get them. So she was really happy to get some for her birthday.

She wanted an OSU shirt and Grandma and Grandpa Coverstone came through. Now she has her own shirt for game days.

Polly's from her Dad

And another cake to top off the celebrations. I think she had fun at all 3 of her parties.

1 comment:

kc said...

Party on Sophia, THREE parties!Nine REALLY is fine!