Thursday, March 5, 2009

Family Fun

Heather, Addison, Victoria, Emily and Sophia hangin out.

7th grade cuties

Payton looking so pretty. She had so much fun with this make up. Sophia was very nice to share it with her.
Payton making Addison beautiful with make up

Sophia with sparkle eyes, Pay with pink lips, and Miko (our neighbor) with rosy pink cheeks

Payton and Mr. D

Owen in Dylan's swing. It has a mirror up above and he loves to look at himself and smile at his handsome-ness

Dylan loves his Bumbo seat. His foot is a really great toy.

These two will be trouble when they are about two.

Come here Cousin

One of Dylan's favorite things to do is throw all his toys off the tray.....

And then look at them on the floor and wonder how they got there.

Dylan in his Vans. I have wanted to buy these since I was pregnant with Dylan. I finally gave in and got them.

Addison (and Sophia) are great big sisters. Addy can even get Dylan to go to sleep now, which is not an easy thing. They are both so sweet to him.


kc said...

I love all the pictures and the background you chose is really neat! Everyone is growing up so much! Thanks for starting off my Friday morning with such great joy looking at all my beautiful grandchildren!

The Smith Family said...

All those pics are cute Kel. I like the ones of Dylly in his bumbo! Payton had a blast with that make-up, thanks Soph!