Monday, March 9, 2009

Bucks Lake is Beautiful!

We were invited to go to Bucks Lake last weekend with Dennis' family. Dennis is Chris' partner in crime at work. His Aunt, Nancy and Uncle, Terry have a cabin there. We drove up on Friday night with Dennis, his wife Shelley, and their two kids, Greg and Kirsten. We got there about 9:00pm. We had to ride in 6 miles on snowmobiles with sleds behind a couple of them, with our stuff in rubbermaid totes. It was quite the adventure. We had so much fun. We played in A LOT of snow, sled on disks, and rode snowmobiles.

Here's Bucks Lake. It was such a wonderful, sunny day. Addison is looking out at this beautiful scene.
Chris, Addison, Dylan and I rode on this trip with Nancy and Dennis. Sophia stayed back at the cabin and played with Greg and Kirsten. It looks like a postcard with the snow around the lake. I think this picture was taken moments before or after the car keys were lost in the snow, but we just didn't know it yet. It's up by the dam.

This is Nancy and Terry holding little man D. They were great hosts and made us feel so welcome. Thank you for having us.

This is outside the window of their cabin. Addison and Greg played on the roof above. Dennis dug out a snow staircase for the kids to get up there.

Inside the cabin the walls and ceiling were all wood. It is so pretty.

Where's Addison? If you look real close you can see her on the roof of the cabin getting ready to slide down. She's wearing black, so she blends in well.

Here's Dennis and Shelley. Thanks so much for inviting us! We had a great time with your family.

On Saturday we went sledding. Here's Addison, Greg and Sophia. The snow was untouched until we rode in and played.

The girls making the hike back up the hill.

Addison following Brutis down the hill.

Sophia going down with her feet out.

The three girls hanging out. Kirsten, Addy and Soph.

Dylan and I watching the action.

Kirsten throwing snowballs to Brutis.

The kids take a snack break.

The day was so sunny, we had to take some layers off. Dylan and Daddy soaking in some rays.

Shelley's first trip down the hill was one of the most entertaining ones to watch. She tumbled her way down.

This is Terry. He knows how to ride! He did this once before, and then I asked him to do it again so I could get this video. I didn't have to twist his arm.

Dennis taking his turn down the hill. He looks like a pro.

Sophia and Greg head back to get their snow gear on and head back to the cabin for dinner.

Fun, fun and more fun.

Addison is ready to ride.

Chris too.

Brutis, Nancy and Sophia load up.

The kids on the porch of the cabin. Sophia, Greg, Kirsten, Addison, and Dylan with a bare foot sticking out.

Thanks again Dennis, Shelley, Nancy and Terry for a fun-filled weekend.

Luckily, when we got back to the car, someone (J Dub, according to the note) found the keys when they were on a walk by the dam. We are very thankful for his honesty and help in returning them. He left his phone number, so I called and thanked him. Dylan is still not much of a traveler. He cried for a lot of the drive even though I tried every way I know how to keep him entertained. Now, if we could just figure out how to get everywhere on a snowmobile, we would be set. He slept everytime he rode.

1 comment:

kc said...

What a FANTASTIC posting on your blog!!! I loved all the pictures and I didn't want the post to end because I was enjoying the pictures sooooo much. You are so lucky to have such a fun, fun, weekend in a BEAUTIFUL place.