Friday, February 6, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

We hosted the Super Bowl last Sunday. I maybe watched 10 mins of it. At half time, I'm such a good host, I left to go get a spa pedicure. Crystal, Christy, Addison and I all went.
It was very relaxing and just what we needed.

Owen, Baby Tina, and Dylan are relaxing. Pay Pay had to make sure Tina got in the picture with the boys. Notice they both have something in their mouths.

The very short 3-D commercial. Alex was so excited to watch. Cecil, where are your glasses?

Dylan's hat doesn't fit him quite right, but it's cute anyway.


Lazon Family said...

Looks like you all had fun. Wish I could've been there! Just a few more months and I can be back in the world again!!

kc said...

I watched the whole Superbowl. It was a good game. The picture of Chris and Dylan is SO cute!!

The Smith Family said...

Thanks for hosting. It was fun. The pedicure was my favorite part since Arizona couldnt pull out a win.