Friday, February 6, 2009

Cereal Time

Dylan had rice cereal for the first time on Friday, January 30th. He thought he liked it at first, but then didn't like it so much. I was using a bowl and spoon at first. Then I went to Target a few days later and they had this spoon called a Boon Squirt spoon. It is so neat. I fill the handle of it with the cereal then Dylan just sips the cereal off the spoon as I squirt it into the spoon. I'll get some pictures and post them. It's the easiest way to feed him.


kc said...

Dylan's hair is really filling in. That spoon from Target sounds cool. Why didn't they have neat stuff like that when you kids were little?

The Smith Family said...

I got a squirt for Owen and Ava. Hope they both like them. I cant decide when to start Owen on cereal. Dylan seems to be a fan!