Saturday, December 13, 2008

Jesus, our Savior

Tonight we went to Crossroads Community Church. They had a Drive-Thru of Jesus' birth, life on Earth, and ended with his resurrection. They had live people/actors and animals. Addison didn't go with us tonight because she was at the Kings basketball game with her friend Emily.

Sophia watched Cars while we waited our turn to drive-thru the scenes.

Dylan thought all the lights were really neat.

The actors did a great job in the cold weather. It was about 50 degrees.
Dylan looks at all the scenes.....

At the end we saw Santa and he gave out candy canes, which Sophia thought was great.


Link-com said...

yu....huuuu....happy merry christmas.

kc said...

I love the pic with Dylan looking out the window and Sophia with Santa

matt and christy said...

yeah so glad you are in the blog world now. our family is too cute. we ahve never been through the crossroads christmas show, it looks like great fun.
merry christmas!

The Smith Family said...

How cool. I wish we would have went. I felt really crummy last night. Santa is always a plus at the end.