Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

We went to Chris' Grandma's house for Christmas Eve in Hayward. We had a great time. We enjoyed eating Grandma's homemade chili. It was the longest car ride Dylan had been on. He likes to be entertained the whole time. We watched the movie Elf (one of my favorites) on the way home. It got us all in the Christmas spirit.
Merry Christmas!

Here is Chris' Grandma Guylene and Sophia opening gifts

Dylan (a.k.a. Santa) on the floor with his second cousins, Emilio and Layla, and big sis Sophia supervising

Chris' Uncle Tim, his daughter Jennifer holding Dylan, and Jeffrey holding their daughter Layla

Sophia holding Layla. She is a very active little girl

Addison rocked Dylan to sleep. Santa needs his rest before his big night delivering gifts

Grandma with Dylan

Grandpa with Dylan

Beautiful girls ready for gift opening

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