Monday, December 22, 2008

Sugar Rush

We went to the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield today. We took my brother, Kevin with us. The kids had a great time and we even got to see Santa at the end.

Mr. Jelly Belly is ready for Christmas with his Santa hat on

This picture is made out of Jelly Bellys. They had a bunch of pictures made out of Jelly Bellys, but they were all on the tour. You can't take pictures on the tour, so I had to take one of Arnold.

We had to wear these silly hats on the tour because it's California law
Two very fashionable girls
Dylan loves his hat, but it's just a little big for him

This is a great looking Santa

Three little cuties telling Santa their Christmas wishes

Cool Car, cool girls


matt and christy said...

that looks like such a great time! i have never been there:( i must put it on my to do list. i especially like the trendy hats!

The Smith Family said...

What Fun! Christy and I are talking about going around Valentines now!