Monday, November 9, 2009

Owen's 1st Birthday and Picking Pumpkins

Here are the pictures from Owen's 1st Birthday at Bishop's Pumpkin Farm. And then we went back a couple weekends later and picked out our pumpkins.

I love the pumkin patch pictures. They are always so pretty with all the pumpkins around.

Dylan getting a ride out the the patch.

We took a hay ride out to the field and back, and then walked out to where we wanted to pick our pumpkins. The hay ride was bumpy, but fun.

The girls search for their perfect pumpkins.

Daddy and Dylan look for D's.

Sophia found her big pumpkin. She needed help carrying it to the wagon.

Dylan and Daddy found D's little pumpkin he is sitting next to.

And Addison found hers.

Owen and his cousins at his party

Dylan enjoying the petting zoo.

Riding the little toys at Fort-Fun-Alot

We like to measure the kids every year. Here's Grandpa Jim and Addy being silly.

Addison is 5'9"

Sophia is 4'11"

And Dylan is 2'6"

Kaden and Dylan getting a ride around the Pumpkin Patch

Sophia, Reilly, G. Jim, Dylan, and Addison

Happy Birthday Cous!


kc said...

Owen's party was fun too. Isn't it odd that both boys, Owen and Dylan were "sickies" on their #1 birthdays. They did a good job of hanging in there.

kc said...

I also love the pumpkin pictures and the tradition of measuring the kids each year. I am so happy that you guys have such a neat place to go at Bishop's Pumpkin Patch.