Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween 2009

Six little trick or treaters. Owen the skunk, Priness Belle a.k.a Payton, Alex Army Man (who blends into the couch really good), Sophia Devil girl, Addison Candy-passer-outer, And Dylan the Bat.

The boys are ready. They don't even know all the fun that's ahead of them.

I think this is Sophia's favorite holiday. She loves her sugar.

She didn't want to pose for the picture because she was busy getting sugar, I mean candy.

Dylan figuring out that this isn't so bad. He wanted a sucker before I could unwrap it.

The boys both loved their suckers. Now whenever Dylan sees a sucker, he wants it.

The trick or treaters collecting their candy.

I took Dylan to work the Monday before Halloween. The ladies at the office loved his bat wings.

It was a fun night with the Smiths. We are still working on the candy pile. I need to take it into work just to get rid of it.

1 comment:

kc said...

What a bunch of cute little goblins!