Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Addison Taylor!

Addison turned lucky number 13 on Aug 18th. I have an official teenager!
These days she is all about TEXTING on her birthday gift from Chris and Mom - her NV Touch phone, her favorite color is orange, name-brands are important, she is waiting for the New Moon movie to come out, she can't leave the house without make-up on, and the scariest part.....BOYS.

Her ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins with orange frosting, of course.

She had Victoria, Emily and Heather spend the night. Then the next day we all went to Sunsplash in Roseville. Chris stayed home with Dylan. Sophia and I hung out in the wave pool most of the day. And the girls went from waterslide to waterslide all day. We had so much fun in the water....I forgot to take a picture. Ooops.

Blowing out the candles.

The four of them slept outside under the stars in the backyard overnight. We just put a tarp under them so they didn't get soaked. I think she had a good birthday. I just wish I would have taken some water park pictures.

1 comment:

kc said...

Happy birthday Addy Tay. Looks like you had a super time.