Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Dylan Robert

Here's Dylan just 1 year ago. It's so amazing how much they grow in the first year.

Picture on his first birthday, Saturday Sept. 12 2009 with his birthday crown, which he likes to take OFF.

If you leave the bathroom door open for a second, he crawls in and immediately starts unrolling the toilet paper.

He wants up the stairs SO BAD. This baby gate is the only thing stopping him and he knows it.
The birthday boy in his birthday suit. He loves the water, so bathtime is one of his favorites.

Look at that farmers tan

His loves to ride on this car the neighbors gave him.

I took this video on his first birthday. He is such a cutie.

We are having his party this coming weekend because Chris had to work on his birthday weekend. I'm excited to see what he thinks about it all. More to come.....but we're all caught up for now.


Lazon Family said...

What a cutie! Happy birthday big guy! Can't wait to celebrate your 1st year!

kc said...

Happy Birthday, Mr. D, I love the Hat!!!

The Smith Family said...

He's so cute and smiley! Loved the bathtub pics. Owen and he share the love of unrolling the toilet paper. Such fun....