Monday, June 1, 2009

Play Time

The kids are growing up so quick. Here's the group, all in white, having fun together.

Dylan has learned to climb up the stairs now. I went and bought a baby gate after I realized he discovered the stairs.

He is crawling, climbing, and standing next to furniture now. It's just so amazing how fast babies learn.

Mr. D's camera smile. His smile is just the cutest.

Sophia and I had fun on the scooter on Saturday.

Sophia and Dylan playing in the pool. Dylan wasn't sure about it at first, but Sophia helped him feel comfortable.

At the end of the video, Dylan gets all excited because Sophia came back outside and started walking toward him.

Time to layout and get dry. He was so relaxed.

We went over to Ryan and Crystal's for dinner and got all 3 boys together for the first time.
Dylan, Owen, and Kaden. (From Left to Right) The boys in stripes.

The girls are such baby-lovers and great helpers.

This picture was taken at about 6:00am. I was changing Dylan's diaper and I was so out of it, I didn't realize he was peeing all over until I was soaked. I didn't get the diaper on quick enough. different from girls.

1 comment:

kc said...

Kelly, It is June 14 and I just read this post today (2 weeks later). As you know it has been an interesting 2 weeks. I love all the pictures. The pool shots are so cute.