Monday, May 4, 2009

Sophia is a Dancer

Sophia was in the school talent show last weekend. Her and her friend Kailey danced to Best of Both Worlds by Miley Cyrus. I couldn't believe she did it. I thought she would panic when she saw all the people, but she didn't. She did so good.

All smiles while they wait to perform.

Here they are! Kailey's older sister helped them come up with the routine.

Then at the end of the show, all the performers went on stage and danced.

After the show, they signed the programs. She felt so cool giving her autograph to the line of people waiting.


kc said...

Sophia, I am so proud of you!! Your routine had a lot of moves and you did a good job remembering them all! Good going girl!

The Smith Family said...

Wow! I cant believe they remembered all of that! She's a superstar!