Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Addison's 14th Birthday

I am once again behind on my blogging. I'll try to catch up today. Addison turned 14 and is a Freshman....CRAZY! They grow up fast. We had a family birthday dinner with the Smiths at our house.

We got her a make-up mirror. It's great for putting on her make-up, doing her hair, and

picking her teeth. Braces are so fun.

Sissys. Sophia picked out the shirt Addison is holding to give her.

Aunt Crystal, Pay-Pay and the birthday girl.

Cake Time! She wanted an Oreo ice cream cake.

Make a wish....

Blow out the candles.

Some satified customers. Yummy.

For her "friend" birthday she wanted to get a pedicure with Victoria. I forgot to bring my camera to the salon but here is the finished product. Addison's are the french tip toes, Victoria's are purple, Sophia's are blue and mine are pink. It was a lot of fun.
Easiest friend birthday to date!

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