Sophia had her 8th birthday party on Friday - Saturday. It was her first slumber/birthday party. I told her she could have 3 girls come because I thought that's all I could handle. I found out that it only takes one crazy child to make it all I could handle.....but I won't go into that. Addison spent the night at Victoria's house, which was very smart of her. I think Sophia had a good time though, which is all that matters.
We started out the night with homemade pizza, which Sophia loves because I make her pieces with no sauce. She picked a Hannah Montana theme.
After pizza she opened her gifts. From left to right is: Miko (our neighbor), Kailey, Sophia, and Sara.
Then Sophia wanted to have chocolate cupcakes, and they decorated their own with different colors of frosting and toppings.
After pizza she opened her gifts. From left to right is: Miko (our neighbor), Kailey, Sophia, and Sara.
Then Sophia wanted to have chocolate cupcakes, and they decorated their own with different colors of frosting and toppings.
After cupcakes they were on a sugar high, so it was time for a dance party.
They wore themselves out and decided to watch Sleepover, the movie, and eat popcorn. After the movie, they moved up to Sophia's room to "sleep". I finally went into the room at 2:00 a.m., to tell the girls that were still awake, it was time to go to sleep.
In the morning they had eggs and waffles. They woke up at 7:30a.m. I thought they would have slept in after a crazy night.
They wore themselves out and decided to watch Sleepover, the movie, and eat popcorn. After the movie, they moved up to Sophia's room to "sleep". I finally went into the room at 2:00 a.m., to tell the girls that were still awake, it was time to go to sleep.
Sophia is holding her tooth. She lost her first molar when she was chewing her waffles. So now the Tooth Fairy gets to come.
And Mr. D survived all the chaos somehow. Thank goodness we are done partying for at least another year.
happy birthday sophia! i remember those sleepovers as a child, they were great fun for us kids but a lot of work for the parents. well until next year....
is it your house for the big game? i will bring something if it is.
Sophia, I am glad you had such a super fun party. Sounds like your mom and Chris did a lot of nice fun things for you and your 3 guests. Cute pic of Dylan, I didn't know he can lay on his tummy and hold up his head so well now. He growing too fast!!
Happy Birthday Sophia!
The girls had a friend sleep over last weekend too and I finally understand why my parents never liked sleepovers...grouchy girls the next day.
I want to meet Dylan...any trips to albany planned for the summer? I think we'll be there most of July.
Happy birthday party Sophia! Happy birthday Chris! Happy birthday Kelly! What a wild month in the Burks house!
Happy Birthday to all of you!!!
Hey...Crystal never told me you had a blog! Glad I found you...Happy Birthday to you and Chris! Hope you had a nice one! :)
I want to get Sophia and Reilly together soon...
Crystal wants to ask you something so remind her!
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