This is a cool carousel. There is a clown on the wall and a pull arm with rings. You ride by on your horse (on the outside) and grab a ring and then try to throw it in the clown's mouth. Addy, Sophia and Alex liked to collect the rings instead of throw them. Then when they got off the ride, they walked over to the clown and threw them in.
Dylan got to ride with Addison and Sophia. I think they rode this ride 10 times. I liked that it was a game and ride all in one.
Pay, Soph, and Al got got painted.
All 4 kids liked this ride.
Then......there was the seaswings. I will forever dislike this ride. Sophia wanted to ride this ride. She thought Alex was going to go on it with her. She was in line waiting, and then she looked up and didn't see Alex. Crystal and I were standing behind her with both our strollers and the babies, but I guess she didn't see us. She told me she panicked when she didn't see Alex or us. Right about that time the line started moving and they were getting on the ride and I turned my head and was talking to Crystal. When I looked back I thought Soph had got on the ride and was behind the column in the middle. The ride started going....and she wasn't on it! Then I panicked....big time! That was the worst feeling EVER.
Crystal waited at the seaswings and I took off screaming her name. All these terrible thoughts were running through my head. Luckily, Sophia remembered what I told her. She ran all the way back to the carousel and then remembered that she should tell someone, behind the counter, that she was lost. I'm SO thankful that in her scared state of mind she did. Then I thought, I need to tell security she was lost. I told them, and luckily they told me that she was with them. So, then I ran with Dylan in the stroller down to the security. I had never experienced that horrible feeling before, and I never want to again. It scared us all because it happened so fast and right in front of me. I looked away for a second and that's all it takes. I love you Sophia!