Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cookie Time

We had the Smiths over today to frost sugar cookies. The kids were very creative with their cookies.

Everyone hard at work making the perfect treat.

Nice star Alex.

Payton really likes to put the sprinkles on THICK. I think there's a cookie under there.

Addison and her yummy tree.

And Sophia with her brown eyed angel.

And Crystal made some creations of her own too.

Yum, Yum.....Can't wait to taste those beautifully frosted cookies.

Oh Christmas Tree

We went with the Smiths to get our Christmas trees this year. Chris got a permit to cut two trees through his work up in the foothills. We were headed to Strawberry Valley, but the road was blocked due to a crash up the road because of the ice. We were 4 miles from where we were planning to go.....but we made the most of it. And we still found two trees to bring home.

It was a pretty view from way up there. And it was a freezing cold day, but we bundled up tight.

While the kids were searching for a tree, Coda found a stick, oh wait....that's not a stick. It's a deer leg bone. That's lovely Coda.

The boys, Crys and Addy snuggle up close.

All of the kids did great on the drive and looking for a tree.

Chris and Ryan hiked down a VERY steep hill to get our tree. That's Chris climbing the way back up to the road.

Here's the tree they found. Chris is hiding behind the tree there.

Our tree in the back of the truck. What a cute family. :)

The tree was too tall for our front room. We had to cut about two feet off the top and a foot off the bottom. It's so hard to judge those things.

Dylan just discovered how to stick his finger up his nose. I'm afraid he's going to hurt himself one of these days. Addison thinks it's just soooo funny.

Addison tried to get the star on top, but couldn't quite reach.

So, Chris helped out and got it up there. I think this is the tallest tree we have had. It's nice not to have to pay by the foot for one.

The girls each putting their ornaments on the tree.

Dylan helped put some on the lower branches. And then take them off, and put them back on.

It looks great guys. We had a fun day with the Smiths and a great time decorating the tree at home. I still can't believe 2009 is almost over.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Stroll

Here's Addison singing with her school choir for the Christmas Tree lighting for the city. I got a picture of her before the rest of the choir lined up because she is in the back row of course at 5'10". She's in the stripes with the white scarf.

Here's a taste of what we got to listen to before the tree lighting. Way to go Addy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We went to Chris' parents house in Fortuna for Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful spread of food. Here is Sophia on their balcony. That's the ocean off in the distance. Sophia acually let me do her hair for the special day.

We started the day off by going to the beach. It was cold, but not raining.

Grandma and Dylan running on the beach.

Chris and Pam supervising the kids

We had an excellent dinner, but I didn't get any pictures of the dinner table because the camera was in the bedroom with Dylan when he was taking his nap. I didn't want to risk waking him up to get it. So, we all ate and Dylan had his dinner after he woke up. Here's the aftermath and yummy desserts being brought out. Everything was excellent. Thanks Pam and Bob!

Then after we stuffed ourselves the girls played wii.

Sharolyn worked off her dinner

Bob and Chris relaxed in the recliners

Thanks for having us Bob and Pam. Everything was yummy and we decided we need a king size bed after this visit. It's so much nicer when Dylan is with us.

Sophia Soccer Party

Sophia's Soccer season ended the week before Thanksgiving. They had a party to celebrate at the bowling alley. Sophia had a good time bowling with her soccer friends.

Here she is receiving her trophy from her coach, Amanda. She was the last one to recieve hers and it was a long wait, so she was so happy when she got it.