Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Chris transferred from Headquarters in Sacramento to the Yuba-Sutter office at the beginning of Aug 2009. He is very happy to be back on the road.

And we are happy he doesn't have to commute anymore. They work 12 hours shifts, which is nice because they have a lot of days off.

Future CHP officer getting his first try at the wheel?

Oregon Trip and Party Time

We went back home the first weekend in August to go to Payton and Alex's birthday party. We had a great time visiting with everyone.

I can't believe how old our kids are getting

Dylan went for a ride with Grandma and Grandpa

Julia and James came out and rode too. Here's Julia

James and Harrison

All the cute grandkiddies

Sophia pretending to drive. I took her for a ride. She said she is more of a scooter girl.

However, Addison is a quad girl for sure!

Here's some pics from the big birthday bash.

I'm liking Alex's long hair. What a cutie.

Little mouse-boy Dylan. His first face painting.

More painted faces. Sophia and Kenzie.

The girls had a great time in Oregon with their Dad's family. I was happy to see them again. It's so hard when they are gone for so long....I always miss them so much. They are back home and getting ready for the first week of school next week.

Mom and Birthday Girl

Miss Clown painting Sophia's face.

Finished product.

And Grandpa Jim did a great job getting Dylan to sleep. All the partying wore him out.

Monday, August 10, 2009


We watched Pay and O for Crystal and Ryan while they went to a NuSkin conference. Pay Pay loves to play barbies.
We went swimming too.

Chris, Dylan, and I went to a Rivercats game. It was very hot, but we had a great time.

Travis Buck at bat. He is one of my favs.

Dylan trying to stay cool.

The boys and their Rivercats hats.

These shoes were the first thing I bought when I found out I was having a baby boy.

He's coming to get me!

He is such a quick crawler now.

4th of July, Father's Day,and Family Fun

The Cordles and my parents came to visit over the 4th of July weekend. We had so much fun.

The girls were in Oregon for the 4th. They left a few days after Father's Day.

We all sat on blankets and watched the show.
Here's Mr. Red, White and Blue
The boys all got light up swords.

They tried them out the next morning.

Grandma and Grandpa and the grandboys.

Pay-Pay and Mr. Froggy painting.

Earlier in the day we swam at Ryan's Dad's House and had a yummy BBQ.

The visit wouldn't have been complete without a motorcycle and scooter ride.

Father's Day 6-21-09. Bob and Pam to visit.

Bob opening his Father's Day gift with Sophia's help.

Gold Sox Game with the Smiths the day before Father's Day

The little kiddies
D and big sissy
Daddy with lots of facial hair.

Sophia and Dylan